• https://www.tarbiyahbooksplus.com/?post_type=product&p=51873&preview=true

    The Arabic-English Dictionary (Al-Qaamus)

    The Arabic-English Dictionary is a great dictionary with general and scientific language & terms.

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  • Quran Mushaf with Bar Code [QR] [BLUE]

    Quran Mushaf with QR Bar Code [BLUE] – Small Size

    Quran Mushaf with Bar Code is a very simple and easy to use by any mobile as the QR code will take you directly to the associated audio recitation. QR Code readers are available for free from the App Store and Google Play.

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  • https://www.tarbiyahbooksplus.com/?post_type=product&p=17726&preview=true

    Wonderful Creatures: Children! Have You Ever Thought? 3

    Part 3 of a beautifully illustrated series of books for children highlighting the ingenuity of the animals around us. In full color. Recommended for ages 10 and over.

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  • https://www.tarbiyahbooksplus.com/shop/islamic-books-and-products-for-children/arabic-without-tears-book-3-the-third-book-for-younger-learners-paperback-by-imran-hamza-alawiye/

    Arabic without Tears Book 3: The Third Book for Younger Learners Paperback by Imran Hamza Alawiye

    Arabic Without Tears is a colourful, lively series designed to teach Arabic to younger learners. This third
    volume builds upon the reading skills taught in the first two books of the series by introducing the child to a
    wide range of useful common nouns, grouped according to theme. These include: household objects, people and
    relationships, items of clothing and stationery, fruit and vegetables, colours and parts of the body. Sentence
    structures are kept short and simple and include basic questions such as ‘What is this?’, ‘Who is this?’and ‘What
    colour is it?’, together with suitable responses, as well as ways of expressing likes, dislikes and preferences. The
    singular attached possessive pronouns are taught, as are the demonstrative pronouns ‘This’ and ‘That’.
    Written exercises include extensive copying practice to help the child to memorise new words while improving
    their handwriting, as well as question-based tasks that require the child to provide a suitable answer. Some
    classroom games and activities are also suggested to help pupils learn the two-hundred-word vocabulary
    introduced in this book.

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  • https://www.tarbiyahbooksplus.com/?post_type=product&p=50739&preview=true

    The Key to Arabic Book 1 by Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye

    “The Key to Arabic Book Two builds on the reading and writing skills taught in the first book of the series by introducing students to simple sentence structures and key aspects of Arabic grammar, together with a basic vocabulary of well over three hundred words and expressions. Students are taught how to greet people and say goodbye, how to introduce themselves and describe where they live, as well as speaking about their nationality. They are also taught some aspects of everyday etiquette. Through this book, students gain an understanding of non-verbal and verbal sentences and are introduced to past and present tense verbs in their simplest singular forms. They also learn about attached and detached singular pronouns, uses of the three different cases (nominative, accusative and genitive), masculine and feminine nouns and adjectives, interrogatives (questioning words), adverbs, prepositions and many other points of grammar. Explanations are kept short and simple, and the use of colour coding throughout the book assists students in learning to recognise the various case endings and verb conjugations more readily. Extensive exercises throughout the book provide ample opportunity for the reinforcement and application of the topics covered. “

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  • https://www.tarbiyahbooksplus.com/shop/islamic-books-and-products-for-children/arabic-without-tears-book-1-a-first-book-for-younger-learners-paperback-by-imran-hamza-alawiye/

    Arabic without Tears Book 1: A First Book for Younger Learners Paperback by Imran Hamza Alawiye

    Description from the publisher:

    Arabic Without Tears is a colorful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils.

    This first book aims to teach the Arabic alphabet in its basic form through simple written exercises supported by the clear, arrowed diagrams over which the child can trace, thus encouraging him or her to develop confidence and independence in writing the isolate letters. Numerous exercises are included to reinforce letter recognition, alphabetical sequencing and writing practice.

    In addition, the book aims to teach children the Arabic numbers from one to ten as well as a wide range of colors and other useful vocabulary. Various fun activities are included to enable the child to use the words he or she has learned in a meaningful context. Mini flashcards at the end of the book are provided to help test the child’s recognition of numbers and colors.

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  • https://www.tarbiyahbooksplus.com/shop/medical-oils-well-being-health-corner/foods-and-essential-oils/al-burj-bee-honey/

    Al-Abrar Pure Honey – 1.5Kg

    Al-Abrar Pure Honey Natural Bee Honey is one of the most delicious and most useful substances in the world and has so many good effects on and in the human body and is useful for a wide variety of other things.

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  • A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes Paperback -by Sami Khan

    This book gives brotherly advice on life in general from Islam and friends, school and home life through to the physical changes a boy will experience from the age of 11 onwards.

    • Language ‏ : ‎ English
    • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 48 pages
    • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 8 – 12 years
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  • A Treasury of ‘A’ishah: A Guidance from the Beloved of the Beloved Hardcover – by Sofia Rehman

    Aisha’s words have illuminated Islamic thought in all its branches. This book compiles 40 of her insights and statements in the categories of Qur’anic exegesis (tafsīr), Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Theology (ʿaqīdah), Politics (siyāsah) and Heart Softeners (al-raqā’iq) with commentary for the contemporary Muslim seeking spiritual and moral direction as they traverse through daily life and its challenges and possibilities.

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  • The Children’s Block: Based on a true story by an Auschwitz survivor – by Otto B Kraus

    Alex Ehren is a poet, a prisoner and a teacher in block 31 in Auschwitz-Birkenau, the children’s block. He spends his days trying to survive while illegally giving lessons to his young charges while shielding them as best he can from the impossible horrors of the camp. But trying to teach the children is not the only illicit activity that Alex is involved in. Alex is keeping a diary…

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  • Mistletoe Seller-by Dilly Court

    With winter closing in, Angel scratches a living selling mistletoe to the City gentlemen who pass through the market, hoping they will take pity on her as she shivers in the snow. The only way she can survive is to make her own luck. She will never sell the one treasure that could feed her for a month, the gold and ruby ring that was hidden in her swaddling – it could hold the key to the secrets of her past . . .

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  • Knit: The Lost Girl Paperback-by Yaseer Abdullahi

    New revelations soon befall the readers only to leave them wondering yet again, was Taylor alive or not? And if he was, where could he possibly have vanished to?With a captivating mash-up of fantasy, action, romance and mystery, the lost girls so much to the table with a newly imagined world waiting to be explored.

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  • Knit: The Male Connoisseur By Yaseer Abdullahi

    Taylor wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how he ended up there. He and his mysterious uncle who went to take him home on the day he was discharged got attacked by an even more mysterious ax-wielding stranger. He later began to have unusual dreams that hurt him physically, searching for answers, he went to his aunt who told him something that opened a new strange part of his life.

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  • The Textual Translation For The Quran The Supreme -By Abdulaziz F. Almubarak


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  • Hayya Natakallam Al-Arabiyyah

    Let’s Speak Arabic هيا نتكلم العربي

    Is a lively and imaginative work which aims to teach spoken modem standard Arabic. with particular appeal to the teenage student.
    Unlike most contemporary Arabic textbooks which concentrate primarily on written Arabic and the complexities of its grammar. often to the exclusion of the spoken genre. this book aims instead to encourage the learner to start using the language from the outset through spoken communication.

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  • Gateway to Arabic Poster Pack One (Gateway to Arabic)

    أنر واشرق غرفة ابنك و صفه بهذة المجموعة من ثلاث ملصقات ملونة حجم A1 (23.4″ * 33″) وتغطي ثلاثة مجالات لمفردات العربية: وسائل النقل, الخضار والفواكه, الطقس والفصول. تم توضيح كل كلمة باللغة العربية والانجليزية مع الكتابة الحرفية بالانجليزية للكلمة العربية لتسهيل التعليم. و تحتوي صفحة الغلاف حجم A3 (11.7″ * 16.5″) جدول تعليم أصوات الحروف على الخلف للمساعدة على تمييز الحرف و تطوير مهارة القراءة.
    يحتوي على:
    ملصق A1 حجم (23.4″ * 33″) و يتضمن مفردات الخضار والفواكه
    ملصق A1 حجم (23.4″ * 33″) و يتضمن مفردات وسائل النقل
    ملصق A1 حجم (23.4″ * 33″) و يتضمن مفردات و تعابير متعلقة بالفصول, أوقات اليوم والطقس.
    بالإضافة الى

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